film restoration (2006)

The Fort Lee Film Commission (Fort Lee, NJ) completed a two-year restoration of the only known existing print of the first surviving American film version of Robin Hood. This film, made at the Eclair Studio in Fort Lee in 1912, was restored from a 16mm print and 35mm nitrate elements provided to the Film Commission by the late film collector Al Dettlaff. The film was restored and blown to 35mm. Fuji Films donated the film stock and the restoration process was produced by Sirk Productions' Kristian Fraga, Marc Perez and John Sikes. Metropolis Film Labs of Manhattan under the direction of Jack Rizzo performed the lab work. Film historian and commission member Richard Koszarski led the restoration team in the reconstruction of inter title cards and insertion of 35mm elements. The Film Commission premiered Robin Hood at a June 23 screening at the Fine Arts Theatre in Hollywood, California

Restoration Producers: Kristian Fraga, Marc Perez, and John Sikes

Original: 1912

Restoration: 2006